miƩrcoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Physician Repairing

The event starts with a big physician repairing, 
For tomorrow, all the fat will be deleted, and the muscle increased.

First Week
The body starts to be hiratared 
The fruit starts to be ate in 20%
streaching 4 times a day : before school, after school, while break, before and after training.
water in 3 litres.

Second Week
the streching will still,
the fruits at 30%
streching 4 times a day

Labna has been elected

the city of labna has been elected as host for the 7th IPC world Swimming, Fencing, and Powerlifting  World Championships.
On sessions, IPC said that :
"Labna is the city which have every experience, infrestructure and communications enough for an IPC event., for this reason, we booth Labna for our event."
The events will be realeased at:
Federations Acuatic Centre
City Hall for Labna
Furgat Gymnasium of Labna
For Begin, the city will be repaired at physician infrestucture, and then, it be started an aceleration for the self.
Labna 2009 IPC WSE will be from 11 june to 19 june
Labna 2009, "from Dream to Reality"